Friday, July 27, 2007

Top 10 reasons not to start your day at 4:15 AM

5. The sun is not up.
4. The dishes in the dishwasher are still hot from washing overnight.
3. Even Dora The Explorer isn't on at 4 am.
2. It makes noon feel like dinnertime.
1. Mommy is NOT a friendly person when she's only had 4 hours of sleep!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Vacation Fun!

Sam recently returned from his first big vacation. It was his first plane ride, his first time in an amusement park, and his first time being away fromhome for more than 2 days! He had a blast!
He's a little daredevil, and said that his favorite ride was when he was able to ride in the front seat on Expedition Everest, which is a roller coaster set in the highest "mountain" in Florida.

Sam and Mok getting ready to get on the plane.

Everyone at Epcot!

Sam and Pa by Pirates of the Carribean (with a new pirate weapon souvenir!)

Sam and Mok blasting aliens on the buzz lightyear ride!

Sam loving the waves in the ocean.

Sam and Pa at Splash Mountain.

Having a visit with a talking Car.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

The Underpants Dance!

We've spent the week working on potty training. Which (probably needless to say) isn't all that much fun most of the time. But Paul is starting to catch on, which gives me great hope that he will be able to go to preschool this fall! We have discovered one problem with the fancy character underwear though--they only put the characters on the back. So Paul has insisted on wearing his underwear backwards most days. Oh well, if they're on, and they're clean, I'm not going to argue!

Friday, July 6, 2007

Fun in the Sun!

Well, it's been a fun summer so far--we've done lots of swimming and playing in the sprinkler, two of our favorite hot day activities.

Here's Paul at the beginning of summer "pool party" at our friend Kate's house!

Everyone took a little break from the sprinklers and pools to just lounge for a little while...

And here are the boys at a local park, in a fairly rare moment of sharing and cooperation!

Clark and I

Clark and I