Saturday, October 18, 2008


Sometimes the kids have such a "brilliant" idea that you can't even come up with an answer when they explain it to you. You stand there with a blank look on your face or else you have to walk away (so you can crack up laughing without making them feel bad) This morning was one of those times.

I asked Sam to get dressed. He said "Okay, that's easy!"
He stood up and pulled off his pajamas. Ta-da!! There were clothes underneath.

Then he said "Want to see something cool? I had this idea last night!"
He lifted his shirt up. There was another pair of pajamas underneath the shirt.
He said "I decided that I'd put my pajamas on over clothes for the next day, so then I wouldn't have to get dressed in the morning, I could just take my pajamas off. Then I decided I'd put those clothes on over pajamas, so that way I don't have to put pajamas on tonight either, I can just take the clothes off!"

Um, yes. Brilliant. Sort of.

At least I don't have to worry about him getting cold at night and needing extra blankets!

Monday, October 6, 2008

A Little Confusion

Clark and Paul had a conversation yesterday about cupcakes. Paul was commenting on how yummy the cupcakes are that I've made. Clark said that he's lucky, because some mommies don't bake cupcakes.
Paul's response was, "I know! And some people don't even have kids! Like Mok & Pa!"
Clark said "Um, Mok and Pa have two kids."
Paul: "Really, who?"
Clark: "Mellie and Mommy."
Paul: "WHAT???"

So yes, apparently it's somehow slipped past our four year old that his grandparents are, in fact, my parents.

But there are other things that he's learned that surprise me at times. Tonight we were driving home from Sam's swimming lesson, and Sam pointed out the window. He said "Look, Paul! A big flock of birds!!" Paul said to him "Sam, those are geese. And they're in a big flock because they're migrating. Didn't they teach you that in school yet?"

Saturday, October 4, 2008

A Geography Lesson From Sam

On the way to the gym this morning, both boys were playing with Pokemon action figures in the car. There was music on, and the pokemon characters were dancing. Sam started telling Paul where he thought all the pokemon characters were from. He said that Snorlax was from China, and that Lucario was from Greece. Then he said "Galade is from New York."

Paul asked "I think Infernape is from Disneyworld!" Sam said "No, Paul. Pokemon can't be from Disneyworld. I think Infernape must be from Detroit." Then Sam made Infernape dance to the music, and announced "This is how they dance in Detroit. Their heads spin around, and they wiggle their tails."

Good to know, Sam. Good to know.

Clark and I

Clark and I