Friday, May 11, 2007

Christmas in May

We have a bedtime/naptime routine that we've done with both kids. It involves reading a book (or a few chapters of a book) and then singing a song. Sam usually requests the song "Baby Mine", which I've been singing to him since birth. Paul, on the other hand, isn't quite as predictable. His current favorite song for mommy to sing is.......Jingle Bells. So we've been singing Jingle Bells at every naptime. Although what can you expect from a kid whose favorite stuffed animal is Frosty the Snowman?


Sandra said...

OMG Paul looks soooo old! (In a good way!)

mokandpa said...

while at our house a few weeks ago, we took paul and sam to the toyshop where he had made frosty at christmas time. paul made a stuffed monster for his mok. when it was time to add the voice box, he wanted to have the song "you are my sunshine" because "my mommy sings it to me." what a cutie and so considerate of his mok. great job on this site-keep adding to it!!!!
love mok and pa

Clark and I

Clark and I