Saturday, May 19, 2007


I've heard some funny conversations going on in my house over the past few days.

The first one was after Sam and Paul had played a game (Whac-a-mole) together (just the two of them)
Sam said to Paul "Good job Paul! You got third place! And I mean that in a nice way."

The second was yesterday morning.
Paul said to Sam "My name is Paul. S-O-E-X-Y-Z-2 1/2. That's how you spell Paul."
Sam said "Um, run that by me again?"
Paul looked at Sam like he was nuts.
Sam said "That means say what you said again."

The boys did some planting this weekend, getting ready for the garden this summer:


mokandpa said...

amazing that paul and i spell our names the exact same way!!!

when i was a little guy, i engraved my name with my pocket knife on the built in desk in my room. of course i spelled it "pual", so i know what little pual is going thru. how about a pocket knife for his birthday?

mellie said...

Look, they're twinkies!!! Red stipes... almost like yellow stripes in DC!

Unknown said...

It's just me

Can't believe how big your boys are getting. I know Mok and Pa are so very proud of the boys.

Enjoy them, they grow up fast.
Friend of Patty's

Clark and I

Clark and I