Friday, November 9, 2007

How to party like a first grader....

Sam had a school dance tonight, sponsored by the PTO. (gotta put the plug in for the PTO anywhere I can now that I'm the secretary, lol!

Anyway, they had the same DJ as last year, which meant lots of fun for the kids, and lots of laughs for the parents.

There were a few of the same dances as last year, including The Macarena (would everyone please just let this song die!!!!!), The YMCA (a classic, I must admit), and a large quantity of disco, including "Stayin' Alive".

There was also The Chicken Dance, because after all, a dance just wouldn't be a dance if you didn't get to act like a chicken at some point.

Here is Sam doing the chicken dance with one of his best buds, Jeremiah.

Then there was a new one--to a song called "Party Like A Rock Star". The DJ showed the kids how to wave their hands in the air like rock stars do (Sam didn't quite get this, and was making the sign language sign for "I love you" instead of the "fist of rock", but oh well)

Here's Sam's version of the "rock star" move:

Then he showed them how to cross their arms across their chests and nod their heads up and down, like cool rappers. Here's Sam trying out this move.

There was also a nice guest appearance by the one and only Bucky Badger (who is a heck of a disco dancer, by the way)

The DJ also had all of the kids get into a big circle for several songs, and had the kids raise their hands if they wanted to come out into the middle of the circle, one at a time, and show off their cool dance moves. Sam (aka Sam the Ham) ended up out in the center of the circle over a half a dozen times! The kid is fearless, even with all of his friends, and "big kid" 4th and 5th graders (who I wouldn't want to dance in front of, lol!) watching.

All in all, it was night Sam (and his mommy) will never forget!

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Clark and I

Clark and I