Thursday, December 20, 2007

The Twelve Days of Stressmas

Typically, this is my favorite time of year (well, tied with early October). I love the Christmas music, the cookie baking, the gift wrapping, the anticipation of the excitement on the kids' faces on Christmas morning. Well this year I've had a hard time even remembering that Christmas is coming up so soon. Life has gotten in the way. Things have been chaotic.

So here's my list of why I've forgotten the joys of the season over the past 12 days.
1. Doctor appointment where I found out that I have to have a needle jammed into my throat (aka "needle aspiration" of my thyroid)
2. Garage door breaks.
3. Phone call from Paul's preschool saying that we need to have a conference to discuss his "behavior issues."
4. I get all holiday spirit-y and decide to make a traditional batch of fudge. The old fashioned way. I spend 2 hours and end up with a chocolate flavored crumbly brick.
5. Satellite receiver dies.
6. Yoga class gets interrupted by gym childcare employee because Paul hit her.
7. I decided to make gifts for people, involving the sewing machine and fabric. I discovered when I was almost done that I'd sewn 5 out of the 7 items inside out. Spent some good quality time with a seam-ripper.
8. I got ready to take Sam to school (on a morning when he had a field trip) only to discover that the car won't start.
9. I finally got some dental work done that I've needed for awhile, and now I've got a slight lisp.
10. Sam's school called at noon today because he was claiming to have "chest pains" and said he needed to go home. Of course the chest pains magically disappeared the second he sat down at the computer at home. And of course this was on an afternoon when Paul was supposed to have school, and I had errands to run.
11. I got around to making chocolate dipped marshmallows, and as I was walking across the kitchen with a bowl full of 1 1/2 lb of melted white chocolate, the bowl slipped. Covering the entire kitchen in white chocolate.
12. As I was cleaning up the kitchen I heard the words "Mommy! Emergency!" in Sam's voice coming from upstairs. Never good news. Let's just say that finding poop on the floor isn't something that gets me in the Christmas spirit!

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