Saturday, October 4, 2008

A Geography Lesson From Sam

On the way to the gym this morning, both boys were playing with Pokemon action figures in the car. There was music on, and the pokemon characters were dancing. Sam started telling Paul where he thought all the pokemon characters were from. He said that Snorlax was from China, and that Lucario was from Greece. Then he said "Galade is from New York."

Paul asked "I think Infernape is from Disneyworld!" Sam said "No, Paul. Pokemon can't be from Disneyworld. I think Infernape must be from Detroit." Then Sam made Infernape dance to the music, and announced "This is how they dance in Detroit. Their heads spin around, and they wiggle their tails."

Good to know, Sam. Good to know.


Sandra said...

Snorlax? Inferlape? Oh man, am I in trouble.

Missy said...

Oh yeah, just wait. You'll spend your days humming pokemon songs. And you'll know all sorts of important information like the fact that Chimchar evolves into Infernape, and then evolves into Monferno.

And there are literally HUNDREDS of pokemon characters. Just wait. You're in trouble.

Clark and I

Clark and I