Wednesday, August 8, 2007

So many questions, so little time!

Well, I'm beginning to look back fondly on the days when Sam started asking constant questions about everything. Because at least there was only one of him. Now I've got Paul, the king of the hypothetical, and Sam, the king of the unanswerable. (at least with poor Mommy's limited knowledge)

Paul asked me tonight "What would happen if I didn't have a bed?"
To which I replied "Well, I guess you'd have to sleep on the floor."
Which led to "what if we didn't have a house with a floor?"
My answer was "Well, I guess we'd have to sleep outside then."
Then Paul said "But the grass would be itchy and the scary doggies might come get us."
So I said "Well, then it's good that we have a house and a bed, isn't it?"
And Paul said "Why is it good that we have a house and a bed?"
To which I replied "okay, bedtime!"

This group of questions took less than 30 seconds. And Paul is awake for about 14 hours a day. I just did the calculations and discovered that we could have up to 1680 question and answer conversations in a day. Tomorrow I may start counting. Although every once in awhile he throws in a really cute one. Like yesterday when we were driving somewhere and he asked "Oh no, Mommy! Are we stuck in Traction again?" It took me a little while to figure out that "traction" was the combination of "traffic" and "construction".

Sam has been busy asking questions about how things work (only things that Mommy really has no knowledge of) and about things like "If two girls get married, could they have lots and lots of babies, since only girls can be mommies?" Hmm, I'll have to think on how to answer that one--do I go into an explanation of how reproduction works? Or about how Wisconsin passed some kind of stupid gay-marriage-ban in the last election? I guess it's not just the kids who have questions!! (and for the record, I think my response was something about people having the number of babies that they want, although I know that isn't a completely honest answer--but I didn't want to hear the questions that arose from a conversation about infertility or unplanned pregnancies!

Here's a picture of the boys questioning why their sno-cones are so cold:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hey, is he out of the WHY? stage yet? why? why? why? why? why? why?...

Clark and I

Clark and I