Friday, September 7, 2007

School Days (or "where the heck did July and August go?")

Well, here we are at the beginning of another school year! And this year is full of firsts for our family. Sam is in first grade, and Paul is in preschool for the first time. They're both loving it so far. The biggest first (in my opinion anyway) is that this is my first time of having BOTH kids in school at the same time. So I now am a woman of leisure, having a huge 2 1/2 hours of child free time twice a week!)

Paul had his first day of school the Thurs. before Labor Day, and the hardest part about the whole day was getting Sam to leave the preschool. He wanted to stay and play with Paul and show him around (since it was the same classroom he was in 2 years ago).

Sam had his first day of school the day after Labor Day, and came home with a glowing review of first grade. His teacher is nice, there are three kids in his class that he knew from last year, and so far first grade is fun.

And me? What did I do with my first day of peace? Well, I went to Walmart to buy new shoelaces for Sam's gym shoes (because he still hasn't learned how to tie his shoes and the new giant Supertarget next door to us doesn't carry these:

Then I came home and cleaned the downstairs bathroom and mopped the kitchen. This leisure thing isn't quite as much fun as I'd expected. But at least I can walk through the kitchen without getting stuck.

All in all, it's been a good week. I'm sure next week Sam will be telling me his teacher is unfair, and his friends are mean, and Paul will be crying about not wanting to go to school. But for now I'm going to savor the fact that we just finished a perfect-enough week!

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Clark and I

Clark and I