Sunday, March 30, 2008


Back in the days before kids, if I thought about having an adventure, it would've likely been something like skydiving. Or a big road trip. Not so much anymore.

Friday night I went on an adventure. I took 3 kids to IHOP for dinner. By myself. I know, 3 kids? Where'd the extra one come from? And why the heck would you go to IHOP? Well, I've been making the mistake of letting the kids watch Spongebob episodes on Nickelodeon, which has commercials. Lots of commercials. Most of them either for some sort of plastic junk, some sort of breakfast cereal, or IHOP. Right now IHOP has the "Horton Hears a Who" special menu. And the kids REALLY needed to go to IHOP! (their words, not mine.) On Monday, the kids asked if we could go there for dinner. This was in the middle of eating dinner, so I said absolutely not! And then they asked "can we go tomorrow?" I said "hmm, probably not." And so on. Until I finally decided that I'd take them on Friday night. Clark was going to be at a friends' house after work, so I'd be on my own with the boys. Perfect night to have pancakes for dinner. So, promises were made, and the kids started counting down the days (and minutes) until IHOP night.

Friday morning, a friend calls, saying that she has a client in labor, and nobody to watch her one year old. Could I please please watch him? I said, sure no problem! Then remembered IHOP night. I decided, what the heck, what's one more kid? Besides, IHOP is right by this little guy's house, so I could just drop him off at home after dinner. So I spent a good 45 minutes trying to wrestle 3 carseats into the back of a Civic, and off we all went.

At IHOP, the kids decided they definitely wanted to order off of the Horton menu, (except for the 1 year old who kept pointing to the menu and saying "kickin!" "kickin!" so I ordered him chicken strips)

Sam got the "JoJo's breakfast" which came complete with green eggs and ham (he ordered his eggs "without the green" though) and who-cakes.

Paul got the big order of who-cakes. Who-cakes are pancakes of varying sizes, stacked to look similar to a tiered wedding cake. With bright pink and blue syrup drizzled over the top. And colorful sprinkles. And a lollypop sticking out of the middle. Basically a giant plate of sugar.

And I decided, what the heck, and joined in the spirit of the night and had the mayor's breakfast.

Of course, Sam ate all of my ham, and the 1 year old ate most of my pancakes, so I was left with eggs and spinach. But it was worth it. The kids had fun.

It went amazingly well, the kids were fairly well behaved, and everyone had a good time. I may be brave enough to have more "adventures" although next time I want a bigger car!

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Clark and I

Clark and I