Monday, April 14, 2008

It's not easy being 7

Well, I feel bad. The poor kiddo's had a rough week! On his birthday he had to sit at the doctor's office for an hour and a half while Paul had a check up (doctor was running late). The next day was his check up, and he had to get a shot.

On Friday he had a dentist appointment for a root canal. Friday afternoon I got a call from the school to pick him up early because he was sick with diarrhea. Saturday was supposed to be his big birthday party at a bowling alley with his friends, and a bunch of family. We ended up having to cancel it because he had a fever. Then he threw up. We still had family over for pizza and cake and presents, but the poor guy had no energy and spent most of his party sitting around looking like a zombie! Sunday he was still sick, too sick to go swimming in the hotel pool, which he'd been really excited about.

And today (Monday) he still wasn't feeling well, so I took him to the doctor. Turns out he's got strep. And scarlet fever. So he got a shot of penicillin (after much drama). What a week! I hope the rest of the year is much easier for him!!!!

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Clark and I

Clark and I