Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Who Needs Sleep?

"Who needs sleep?
Well, you're never gonna get it
Who needs sleep?
Tell me, what's that for?
Who needs sleep?
Be happy with what you get,
there's a guy that's been awake since the second world war!"
-From Barenaked Ladies song "Who Needs Sleep"

Paul is apparently the kind of kid who just plain doesn't need sleep. At least not a "normal" amount. According to the "experts", 3 year olds should get a total of 11-14 hours of sleep a night. Paul has decided that this isn't for him. Why waste all that time sleeping? You could be doing much more fun things during that time, like fighting with your brother or making messes! Paul was in the habit of waking up between 4 and 5 am for a few weeks, except on the days he was up during the night from 1-3 or 4. Then he would "sleep in" until 5:30 or 6.

But when he does sleep, he's adorable. And sometimes quite funny. He likes to "read" in bed for a few minutes before he falls asleep, so we leave the light in his room on when we tuck him in, and turn it off a few minutes later when he's asleep. We've found a number of funny things when we go in to shut off the light.

There was this night, where he apparently fell asleep halfway into bed.

Or this night, where he was sleeping with his finger up his nose:

Or the night when he decided to sleep "upside down" in his bed, and apparently discovered that the bed rails at the top of the bed are actually useful:
And my personal favorite, the night we walked in and discovered him sound asleep wearing not one, but two pairs of sunglasses!

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Clark and I

Clark and I