Friday, May 23, 2008

O Canada!

I was awoken on Wednesday at around 5:00 by Paul. (yes, he slept in that late!!) He came into my room and asked "Mommy, do we really have to go to the movies in Canada today?" I sat up in bed and said "HUH?"

He said "I had a dream just now that we had to go to the movies. And the movies were in Canada."

I reassured him that no, we didn't have to go to the movies. Or Canada.

But it made me realize that this was the first time he'd ever mentioned the actual name of a place (other than "Mok & Pa's house" or "the golfing place". I wonder if they're teaching geography in preschool.

It was also the first time that he'd ever mentioned a dream. And it left me wondering what "Canada" was like in his dream to have him so freaked out!!!!

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