Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The unexpected questions!

As a parent, I've come to expect questions. Sometimes ones that are hard to answer, sometimes even ones I don't know the answer to and have to look up (thank god for whoever invented google, I would spend most afternoons in a library without it, looking through the card catalogue for books on every topic under the sun!!) But sometimes they (especially Sam) throw one at me that totally catches me off guard. And there were two of them the other day!!

The first one:
If you were a conjoined twin, and your heads were attached to each other's, and your brains were attached, that would mean that you feel things at the same time, right? Because your brain is what really feels what your nerves are doing. So if someone kissed a person who shared a brain, would the other twin feel it too? And would they fall in love too?

The second one:
What if reincarnation is real, then can you come back as a germ?

I need a nap after trying to answer some of these!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Trick or Treat, Smell My Feet, Give Me Something Good To Eat!

We had a Pokemon Halloween this year, due to the boys' most recent obsession. They chose their characters before I had a chance to do any research and discover that it's all but impossible to buy costumes for these characters. So I thought, how hard can it be? Well, it was hard. There was much grumbling at my sewing machine. But they came out cute in the end.

Here's my little Pikachu

Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture of Sam by himself in his costume, but here's one with him and Paul.

The whole pokemon family (Ash, Lucario, May, and Pikachu)

And here are the boys out trick or treating with Mok and Pa (old man and scooby)
And last, but not least, here's Ash and Pikachu in their standard pose!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

When you go to vote, would you, could you on a boat?

As I was getting the kids ready to go to our polling place this morning, Sam asked where we needed to go to vote. I explained to him that there's a church across the street from his school that is the place that our neighborhood goes to vote. The boys both asked a few questions, and then figured out which place I was talking about.

On the way there, Paul suddenly said "There's no water."
I said "Where? What do you mean?"
He said "There's no water at that place we're voting."
I said "Well, they probably have a water fountain inside if you get thirsty."
He said, "NO! I mean for the BOAT!"
I said "Oh, honey, we're going to vote, not go on a boat."
He said "I know, but we're going to vote on a boat!"
So I had to explain to him that while boat and vote do rhyme, you don't actually get to go on a boat to vote. A little disappointing, because that would've been fun.

Voting went amazingly well, though, considering we had to wait in line for an hour and there were no boats. Thank goodness for portable video games!

After telling this story to a friend later, she sent me this little voting story a la Dr. Seuss:
Would you vote for John McCain?
I would not, could not, in the rain.
Not on a boat nor on a train
I would not like him here or there
I do not like him anywhere
I will not vote for that old man
I do not like him Sam I am!

Clark and I

Clark and I