Wednesday, August 27, 2008


A few nights ago, Sam had earned enough stickers on his sticker chart for his first official "big guy night out". We'd told him that when he filled up the chart, one of us would take him out somewhere fun at bedtime, while the other one of us would stay home and put Paul to bed. Well, Sunday night was the night. I gave him the choice between going to see a movie (either the new Star Wars one or the Fly Me to the Moon 3D) or going to play lasertag. He'd never done lasertag before, and thought that sounded like a great idea.

We got there, and walked in. While I payed at the counter, he bounced. He was so excited that he just jumped up and down. We had to wait about 10 minutes for our game to start, so I told him it would probably be a good idea to use the bathroom before it was time to play. He opened the bathroom door and yelled "AWESOME!" on the top of his lungs. The bathroom was dark, lit only by a black light, with neon graffiti all over the walls, which of course were painted black. Sam came out a few minutes later and told me all about how the toilet paper glowed. I think it was worth the $7 admission just for the exciting bathroom.

Then we started the game. Sam was by far the littlest kid there--there were 3 boys who were probably 12-14 or so, and 4 girls who were probably in their late teens. Sam and I had a blast. We were on different teams, so he had a lot of fun sneaking up on me to tag me. At the end they printed out scorecards. Sam was in last place, by far, but he'd shot me more times than I'd shot him, so that was a very successful evening in his eyes. The first words out of his mouth as we drove away were "Can we do that again sometime soon? It was AWESOME!"

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Clark and I

Clark and I