Thursday, August 14, 2008

The beautiful sound of summer

The boys were getting ready for bed tonight when Sam suddenly said "Mommy, what is that sound? I hear music!"

I realized what it was--an ice cream truck! On our street! So I told Sam, and he went running to the door to look. Sure enough, it'd just passed our house. I told Sam "Don't worry, we'll catch it!" The only problem? Paul was naked. So I sent him running into the house for pants, while Sam and I chased down the truck. Luckily we didn't have to go far--it stopped 3 houses down from ours for some more kids who were outside. I looked back, and still didn't see Paul, so I handed Sam a $5 bill and went running back to find Paul. He came out, wearing inside out and backward pajama pants, but at least wasn't naked anymore, so off we went to the ice cream truck.

They both got Spongebob Squarepants popsicles, which cost $2.50 each. A little pricier than the 25 cent popsicles of my childhood, but I think it was just about the best $5 I've ever spent. They did a happy dance while eating them. Paul only made it through about half of his, but it was definitely the highlight of his day. And watching them dance and giggle while eating a popsicle was definitely the highlight of mine.

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Clark and I

Clark and I